To become a member of the Vietnam E-Commerce Association (VECOM), please fill out all information in the Registration Form.

VECOM Office will contact and assist you in completing joining procedures within 3 working days.


Registration procedures to join VECOM for individuals, businesses belonging to all economic sectors or organizations with Vietnamese legal status directly doing business by e-commerce; or e-commerce applications serving production and business activities; or research or provide e-commerce services, with enthusiasm for the Association as follows:
1. Voluntarily register to participate and commit to comply with the Membership Charter as follows:
- Individual members: Are lecturers who are teaching at University educational institutions
- Collective members: Are businesses and companies in all fields of industry.
2. Register online according to the prescribed form on the Association's website: https://www.vecom.vn/thu-tuc-dang-ky;
3. In case a business or organization registers to join the Association, the representative must be the person with decision-making authority. In case of delegation, the person authorized to act as representative must have full decision-making authority and the principal must be responsible for that delegation;
4. After completing online registration, follow the instructions and provide all relevant information as instructed by Association Office staff. According to the Charter, in order for the Association's Standing Committee to have sufficient basis to consider and decide to admit businesses as official members, you are requested to complete the following procedures:
– Scanned copy of the registration form signed by the representative
– Scanned copy of the business registration certificate of the enterprise
– Logo and general introduction about the business (to post on the Association's website)
– Pay collective or individual membership fees to the Association's account

* Note: In case of individual membership registration, a notarized photo ID card of the individual participating must be added.
5. Joining fee:
a) Collective membership: 15 million VND/year
b) Individual membership: 500,000 VND/year
– Association account: number 0011.0022.38049 – Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam Transaction Office – Vietcombank. Clearly state: 1) Business name; 2) Name of beneficiary: Vietnam E-commerce Association; 3) Transfer content: pay membership fee
– In case members pay fees in cash, Office staff will have specific instructions…
6. After the Standing Committee decides to admit, new members will be issued a "Membership Certificate" from the Association.
7. Based on the specific situation, the Association can organize a ceremony to admit new members and conduct propaganda and promotion activities for new members.


All members have the right to fully participate in the Association's activities as prescribed in the Charter. Some main benefits include:
– Through the Association, participate in building and implementing policies, strategies, and plans for e-commerce development in accordance with the provisions of law; Participate in consulting and criticizing issues related to the field of e-commerce at the request of organizations and individuals.
– The Association disseminates and updates policies and laws related to the field of e-commerce, provides information and support programs related to the field of e-commerce.
– Participate in consulting, support, cooperation, and association activities among members, exchange information and experience in the field of e-commerce application and development and issues related to the field This.
– Participate in forums, dialogues, and meetings between members and other subjects at home and abroad organized by the Association to exchange information and promote e-commerce.
– Participate in propaganda and advocacy activities to socialize e-commerce organized by the Association or in coordination with other units.
– Through the Association, participate with state authorities to organize professional training on e-commerce for members and other subjects.
– Participate in survey activities and learn from experience in implementing e-commerce at home and abroad organized by the Association.
– Receive the Association's support to resolve disagreements and disputes through negotiation and conciliation when disputes occur during e-commerce business activities.
– Can use and exploit the Association's activities or products to promote members' images and products. Propose, comment and request the Association to, on behalf of its members, make recommendations to Government agencies on issues related to e-commerce (e-commerce).
– Enjoy incentives for members for activities organized by the Association or with preferential agreements between the Association and other organizations.
– Protect your rights, legal interests and help when encountering difficulties with partners, state management agencies and the Government.
– Widely promote information and capabilities of member businesses through the consulting center system.


– Comply with the Charter and comply with decisions of the Executive Committee and Standing Committee of the Association.
– Undertake tasks and tasks assigned by the Executive Committee and Standing Committee of the Association.
– Fully fulfill reporting obligations and provide information as requested by the Association and not contrary to the provisions of law.
– Pay the joining fee (first time) and annual fee in full and on time according to the regulations of the Association's Executive Board.
– Unite, support, cooperate, help other members, and preserve the common reputation of the Association.
– Business websites need to register information with the Ministry of Industry and Trade at www.online.gov.vn