Workshop "Plastic waste in e-commerce": Current status and solutions

Date submitted: 06/05/2024 16:38:00

Vietnam is still facing many risks from plastic waste. Although the synchronous implementation of measures from state management through legal regulations on production, product management and post-use plastic waste management, propaganda to raise awareness, change behavior vi,... has brought some positive results. However, the rapid development of e-commerce, including online retail and food ordering in recent years, has caused additional difficulties in managing packaging and material waste. plastic; cause negative impact on the environment. E-commerce uses a lot of packaging and plastic materials, but the rate of collection, recycling, and reuse is generally still very low.

Since 2019, the Vietnam E-commerce Association (VECOM) has set out a vision for sustainable e-commerce development with the goal of both maintaining rapid growth and minimizing impact on the environment. The goal of reducing the amount of plastic waste generated is one of the programs that has received a lot of attention recently.

The conference "Plastic waste from e-commerce - Current situation and solutions" was held on April 15, 2024 to discuss the current situation of using plastic packaging and materials for e-commerce. The conference received high attention from many parties involved in e-commerce and the environment, including state management agencies on e-commerce and digital economy, logistics and postal services, environment as well as businesses, research and training organizations, and international organizations.

Conference information "Plastic waste from e-commerce - Current status and solutions":

Time: 13:30 – 17:00, Monday, April 15, 2024
Location: West Garden, The Vuon, 3rd Floor, Tower A, Building D2 Giang Vo, Ward. Giang Vo, Ba Dinh, Hanoi
Program: See here

The issue of e-commerce development associated with environmental protection has received attention from state management agencies on e-commerce, digital economy, logistics and postal delivery. At the conference "Plastic waste from e-commerce - Current status and solutions", the Department of E-commerce and Digital Economy will introduce policy orientation for e-commerce development associated with environmental protection during the period. by 2030. From the current situation of using packaging and plastic materials in e-commerce, experts and managers of related fields discussed solutions that need to be implemented to deploy the weekly economy. in e-commerce, reducing the level of use, increasing the rate of collection, reuse, and recycling of packaging and plastic materials. In particular, it is necessary to quickly propagate awareness of environmental protection among consumers and the expanded responsibility of manufacturers, especially online sales platforms and merchants.

 Tags: racthainhua