Ecommerce Training Report 2008

The increasingly harsh global business environment requires businesses to have timely and accurate sources of information to implement production and business activities more efficiently, contributing to improving competitiveness. Therefore, ensuring information is exchanged continuously nationally as well as internationally is very important to promote trade development. In recent years, along with the...
Vietnam E-commerce Report 2008

As an important transitional year for implementing Decision 222, the year 2008 witnessed many changes in business environment in general and e-commerce in particular. Assigned by the Government to serve as a state regulator of e-commerce and monitor the implementation of Decision 222, Ministry of Industry and Trade has published...
Vietnam E-commerce Report 2007

Following the E-commerce Report conducted from 2003 to 2006, the Vietnam E-Commerce Report 2007 will reflect the progress of Vietnam e-commerce in 2007 compared to previous years. Based on the results of research, policy evaluation and extensive investigations of businesses across the country, the report will give a comprehensive view of the macro environment...
Vietnam E-commerce Report 2006

a Following the e-commerce reports from 2003 to 2005, the Vietnam E-Commerce Report 2006 offers a comprehensive view of the development situation and application of e-commerce in the areas of socio-economic life, with the highlight being the areas with the clearest progress in the past year. The report is based on research,...
Vietnam E-commerce Report 2005

Download Beside the judgment on the criteria and applied areas, it is essential to mention the development of e-commerce; this annual report acknowledges the significant features and tendencies: the state-owned organizations have begun to take part in building the legal environment for e-commerce development, which includes issuing the macro-policies as well...
Vietnam E-commerce Report 2004

Download The E-Commerce Development Status Report 2004 by the E-commerce Department reflects the various and practical facets of e-commerce development in 2004 of our country. The report supplies valuable data about the development of e-commerce in 2004. Compared to 2003, we would easily agree that e-commerce in Vietnam had reached a new height,...