E-Commerce Textbook – Foreign Trade University – 2013

E-commerce is an inevitable and booming trend in Vietnam. However, the launch of eCommerce into official teaching at universities and colleges is not really popular. Understanding the trend as well as the development needs, Hanoi Foreign Trade University is one of the leading schools in teaching e-commerce. Developed from PGS's Basic E-Commerce Sys. Ts. Dr....
APEC The Basic Principles of Protecting Personal Data in E-Commerce

Download In recent years, with the development of information technology, especially the Internet, e-commerce transactions have increased sharply, the volume of information exchanged is increasing. However, violations related to personal information are also increasing, causing fear for individuals and organizations when participating in e-commerce transactions. According to the survey of the Ministry of...
Basic E-commerce curriculum

Curriculum "Basic e-commerce" is one of the curriculum of professional subjects in the content of the curriculum of E-commerce and a number of other majors of Foreign Trade University. The content of the textbook "Basic e-commerce" includes 6 major issues: Overview of E-commerce, E-commerce, E-Marketing, Risk and risk prevention in E-commerce,...
Overview of WTO activities related to E-commerce

Download Since 1998 the World Trade Organization (WTO) has conducted research activities on e-commerce. At the request of the member states, the WTO Secretariat has conducted numerous studies on the role of the WTO in the development of e-commerce. Many member countries, both developed and developing countries, have actively researched and participated in...
Cyber Law: The Law of the Internet and Information Technology

Featuring the most current exploration of cyberlaw, this book helps students understand the legal and policy issues associated with the Internet. Tackling a full range of legal topics, it includes discussion of jurisdiction, intellectual property, contracts, taxation, torts, computer crimes, online speech, defamation and privacy. Chapters include recent, relevant cases,...
System and Analysis Design (9th edition)

Part 1: Systems Analysis Fundamentals (Chapters 1-3) focuses on the basics of what an analyst does, how emerging information systems fit into organizations, ecommerce project management coverage, and how to manage a systems project using special software tools. Part 1 now includes introductions of the three main methodologies of the systems...